Startup Meetup

Tech Startup Acceleration Program Meetup

Tech Startup Acceleration – There are lots of ways to ignite your startup and set it ablaze with your profits, and there are several ways of turning those dreams into realities. Being an entrepreneur, you will get ideas every day, and possibly every hour, of your life, and this is one of the incurable diseases of being an entrepreneur.

When I was growing up and living at home in 2008, I was struggling immensely because society and my family hadn’t given me much in life. Even the financial institutions wouldn’t really help me kickstart my efforts. I couldn’t get my dream business off the ground, and it was three months before I made my first sale from a UK customer, and the $5 I made helped me move on with confidence to loftier things. Right now, I own an e-commerce business that’s worth close to one million dollars, and it’s based in Northern Province Vavuniya. The real point here is that

” You don’t need one million dollars to put into your business, but you do need the equivalent one million dollar value of confidence.”

Are You a Freelancer?

If you are a good designer, programmer, writer, or marketing consultant then you can do some part-time freelance work. But if you are a full-time Freelancer you can win financial freedom within a very short period, but the question is If you’re a good designer, programmer, writer, or marketing consultant, then you might be doing some part-time freelancing work. If you’re a full-time freelancer, however, you can have financial freedom in a very short time period. There are some questions, however.

  1. Will your spouse say in public that you’re a freelancer? Will your kids say that you’re a freelancer?
  2. Will any banks or government authorities endorse you or give you any financial help to help start your business?
  3. Will your family members, friends, and neighbors respect you? If you are earning enough, they might smile in front of you. How will they talk in public, though?

The money will only give you financial freedom, but it won’t give you the reputation you want from your family and friends though.

Get a Reputation While You’re on Earth

While you’re on earth, you should strive to give something back to the earth and community, and if you get a good response from the market, then you can offer employment to the community and help people while you’re here. Giving employment to others is a gift from God, and if you give employment to others and practice great business ethics, then your business will reward you with a good reputation. In my personal experience, it doesn’t matter what you do in your personal life, but when it comes to a business, you want to try to maintain excellent ethics and cherish your business name, staff, and every brick of your office as much as your blood relations.

Running a Business When You’re an Entrepreneur

If you wanted to know about the inherent risk involved in a business, some might call it a “painless risk”. If you don’t care about your business, staff, and your stakeholders, then it won’t be a risk. Entrepreneurs are always ready to take that next big risk, and their decisions could disrupt the business environment. However, entrepreneurs always learn from their mistakes because they’re not going to want to listen to hours of needling advice from other people. So, most entrepreneurs won’t put their whole staff and livelihoods at risk.

Do You Have a Great Idea? Let’s Meetup.

It doesn’t matter where you’re living now, or what you’ve studied, all I need is your priceless information about your project concept. Startups are like dreams, and no one can understand your dreams better than your own brain.

This is a Lean Tech Startup Acceleration program and this time, I’m hoping to support Northern Province Budding Entrepreneurs, and, of course, I have a plan to target other provinces as well. So, bring your ideas, and let’s talk.

What can I do for you?

  • Connect you to relevant industry specialists, mentors, and incubators
  • Help you meet other young entrepreneurs and connect you to your dream time
  • Create direct connections to foreign venture capital companies and Angel Investors
  • Startup help from the online media
  • A lot more startup acceleration tips too


  • You must be an innovative “ global “ thinker with a fresh startup idea.
  • You must have a viable project concept and prototype if it’s available
  • You must have computer literacy and basic English skills (mandatory)
  • You must be confident in your project concept

Are there any charges for this?

No! There are absolutely no charges for this Tech Startup Acceleration meet-up. I’m not an angel investor or a venture capitalist, but I have direct connections with some of the most reputed angel investors and venture capitalist companies, and they can help a startup in its early-stage funding, or you can propose seed capital funding if it’s already launched. There are internationally and locally recognized mentors ready to give you mentoring support to your team.

So, what’s the catch?

There is no catch at all! All I’m trying to do is help fellow entrepreneurs to turn their ideas into a reality! It’s a Lean Tech Startup Acceleration concept! so let’s arrange to meet in some public place that’s free because we don’t want to waste a whole lot of money in the start-up’s early stages.

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Sharanyan Sharma is an Award-Winning Full Stack Digital Marketer and a Certified Performance Marketing Consultant who worked with Forbes 2000, and Fortune 500 listed Startups and Large Enterprises over the past decade.

2 thoughts on “Tech Startup Acceleration Program Meetup”

  1. mayooran satkunam says:

    I’m a mobile app developer from nallur jaffna, i would like to know more about this please ?

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