CRO Tips

Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies for E-commerce Sites

Therefore, this process rules the manner in which a user interacts with a site for increasing the chance of their conversion into leads. Its goal is to increase the number of conversions from the current traffic as opposed to boosting traffic.

According to the conversion rate optimization report, around 28% of the surveyed companies are satisfied with their conversion rates, which marks the highest hike of 6% since 2009. Therefore, it is clear that more companies are taking CRO seriously. It is vital for them to know that several factors affect conversion rates, such as color, videos, and social media presence.

One needs to consider these factors for designing conversion rate optimization best practices or strategies. Here are the top 10 strategies to consider for your online business site!

1) Improve Call to Actions (CTA’s)

The call to action is the request to the visitor for filling a form, clicking a link to a landing page, or clicking a button. Therefore, it needs to attract attention but without annoying the visitors. Interestingly, small changes to these CTAs can increase conversion rates. For changes, consider using short active verbs such as Register, offer a proposal such as a free trial, remove flashing effect, and make them stand out. For increasing the number of visitors, calls to action on a blog or product information page should direct to landing pages. Being measurable, such a page collects enough user information quickly or gives an opportunity to buy. Designing a landing page is, thus, a vital part of CRO. As one of the conversion rate optimization tips, consider Unbounce for creating the most app landing pages for your site.

The site’s speed has a great impact on the rate of conversion. This is simply because visitors never like to wait for loading or downloading. That is why find out which part of your site is leading to delays via speed testing services such as Pingdom. As a tip, you should remove all unnecessary plugins and ads.

2) Implement Analytics and Split Testing

Because data forms the core of CRO, it is essential to know the effectiveness of a page in obtaining conversions. A few strategies boost conversions but their effectiveness on a specific site is dependent on the visitors. Therefore, split testing of changes, site and landing page Performance optimization, site page speed optimization, A/B, or multivariate testing, is essential, wherein different page versions are served to different users to see which generates the greatest conversion rate. You can see the demo of successful split testing at Think Traffic. In reality, you can do the testing via Google analytics.

3) Have Relevant Images & Right Color Pattern

Usually, the color of your page affects the mood and decision of the visitor. For example, blue denotes security, while purple indicates luxury or spirituality. Further green denotes environmental, while pink stands for love and beauty. Therefore, you can consider giving the right color scheme for your corresponding landing pages. A right color scheme simply increases the conversion rate.

Having too many images can reduce the conversion rate. Moreover, many A/B tests show that pictures on a homepage when clicked lead to fewer sign-ups. Therefore, it is better to have a proper but adequate amount of images at the right place for more conversions.

4) Implement the Right SEO Strategy

 One of the ways to boost conversion is to increase valuable traffic, as not all traffic is valuable. Optimizing for search engine results may bring in qualified leads but that they may be fewer than targeting as many visitors as possible. However, the former one is better in the long run, as conversions do increase in absolute numbers and as a traffic proportion. The latter results in misleading optimization that ultimately increases the bounce rate.

According to a blog post, buttons gain more clicks than links, as they are more obvious. Several other tests have shown an increase in the rate, right from 20 to 200%. Therefore, it makes sense to add buttons wherever there are text links.

5) Capture the Influence of Videos

Marketing videos are another virtual salesperson, Video can prove to be a big asset while explaining or adding value to the product. Giving a short video on products such as those belonging to wealth, security, and finance is quite effective. Having a small video on a landing page can actually help in boosting the conversion rate and of course, you can expect some relevant high converting traffic from search engines through your video landing pages.

6) Power of Social Media Presence

You should consider allowing registration via Twitter or Facebook authentication that makes signup easier. Fetch data from the corresponding social site’s API and pre-populate the form fields so that users do not irritate by filling in their details. Sites such as Digg and Mixcloud have implemented this strategy after which their conversion rate had increased.

There has never been a better time to start promoting your business online. Use these simple tips to optimize your landing pages and sales funnel that will attract clients and sell your services.

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Sharanyan Sharma is an Award-Winning Full Stack Digital Marketer and a Certified Performance Marketing Consultant who worked with Forbes 2000, and Fortune 500 listed Startups and Large Enterprises over the past decade.

One thought on “Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies for E-commerce Sites”

  1. very first time i heard this name conversion optimization, thank you anyway.

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